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Julged briti naised läbisid nädalavahetusel Londoni maratoni täisdistantsi 23 miili (37 km) aluspesu väel.

Naised andsid pärast maratoni läbimist teada, et jõuvarud olid otsakorral, aga meel hea saavutuse pärast. Naised võtsid asja mõnuga, distantsi käigus jõuti sõbrustada politseinikega ja nendega koos piltigi teha.

Briti naiste Bryoni Gordoni ja Jada Sezeri saavutus on seda enam erakordne, et nende figuur ei vasta just levinud ettekujutusele maratoni jooksjatest. Samas näitab see, et maraton on jõukohane paljudele, kui vaid on veidi pealehakkamist.

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A post shared by J A D A S E Z E R (@jadasezer) on

THIS IS WHAT A MARATHON RUNNER ALSO LOOKS LIKE. Finally made it!!!! #thisgirlcan 🏆🏅

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Wondering if I’d dreamt yesterday? But the chaffing patches & achy muscles remind me otherwise. – The low moments (mine at mile 23) my body felt empty, energy levels 0. The voice in my head repeating “this body will never get to the end”. Yet somehow we kept moving… Comparing that to the huge highs, like seeing my running family @run.dem.crew at Mile 21. Letting off confetti poppers, screaming support, it was the mental fuel needed to drown out the self talk. – For everyone who cheered on the street and across the world online. I am so overwhelming thankful. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster I will never ever EVER forget. Thanks for being apart of the ride ❤

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Mile 19 they said. Can you carry us I replied

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