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Foto: Riho Terrase Eesti esindus

Euroopa Parlamendi liige Riho Terras pöördub Ursula von der Leyeni, Charles Micheli ja Roberta Metsola poole üleskutsega peatada Ungari hääleõigus Euroopa Liidus seoses Ungari peaminister Viktor Orbáni Euroopa Liitu avalikult õõnestava tegevusega, sealhulgas visiitidega Venemaale ja Hiinasse.

„Ungari eesistumine Euroopa Liidu nõukogus on vaevu alanud, kuid peaminister Orbán on juba põhjustanud märkimisväärset kahju kuritarvitades oma rolli nõukogu eesistujariigi valitsusjuhina,” kirjutab Terras pöördumises, mis on suunatud Euroopa Komisjoni, Euroopa Ülemkogu ja Euroopa Parlamendi presidentidele ning kuhu kogutakse allkirju kõigilt Euroopa Parlamendi liikmetelt.

„Orbán on oma külaskäikudega Venemaale ja Hiina ettekavatsetult kuritarvitanud volitusi. Oma niinimetatud „rahumissiooniga” jättis peaminister Orbán tahtlikult mulje, et ta esindas tervet Euroopa Liitu, kuigi tal ei ole tegelikkuses volitusi esineda Euroopa Liidu või ühegi liikmesriigi nimel peale enda riigi,” jätkas Isamaa eurosaadik.

Terrase sõnul õõnestab Orbán teadlikult ja tahtlikult Euroopa Liitu ning selle ühtsust, mistõttu peab Euroopa Liit reageerima kiiresti ja otsustavalt, rakendades selleks aluslepingute artiklit 7, millega peatataks Ungari hääleõigus.

Pressiteatele on lisatud ingliskeelse pöördumise täistekst.

Dear President von der Leyen,

Dear President Michel,

Dear President Metsola,

We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, call on you to do your utmost to suspend Hungary’s voting rights in the Council according to the procedure set out in Article 7 of the Treaty on the European Union.

The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has barely started, and Prime Minister Orbán has already caused significant damage by exploiting and abusing the role of the Council Presidency.

Mr Orbán undertook several diplomatic visits, notably to visit Putin in Russia and Xi Jinping in China, during which he intentionally misrepresented his empowerments. In his so-called “peace mission” Prime Minister Orbán deliberately left the impression that he was acting on behalf of the entire European Union, whereas in reality he has no authority to represent the EU or any other EU Member States apart from his own. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that several EU leaders, diplomats, EU officials, and even High Representative Borrell have felt the need to publicly emphasize that these trips took place exclusively in the framework of bilateral relations, and that the Hungarian Prime Minister is not representing the EU in any form. This kind of behavior amounts to usurping the powers and prerogatives of the EU Member States in the filed of foreign policy.

Furthermore, Mr Orbán is actively undermining common EU positions. For example, by pushing for a ceasefire at any cost, instead of a ceasefire on Ukraine’s terms. Not only is he exceeding his powers when he pretends to represent the EU as a whole, but he is actively pursuing a policy agenda which is contrary to common EU positions. He is seeking to undermine existing EU decisions, the entire decision-making process, as well as EU unity on highly important matters. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Bearing in mind the aforementioned abuses of power, we call on you to take decisive action as soon as possible in order to limit further damage, not only to the credibility of the EU as a whole, but also regarding the current geopolitical situation. This requires real actions, such as suspending Hungary’s voting rights in the Council, since practice has shown that mere verbal condemnations of this situation have no effect.

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