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Euroopa Parlament algatas Instagramis fotokonkursi, kus noortel on võimalus jagada oma pilte ja auhinnaks on kutse Euroopa Parlamendi noorteüritusele EYE2018, mis toimub juuni algul Strasbourgis.

Üks fotokonkursi teemadest on #RICHPOOR (tõlkes: rikas-vaene), mis sobib eriti hästi eesti noortele, kuna Eestis näeb suure ühiskondliku ebavõrdsuse tõttu ühelt poolt äärmist rikkust ja teiselt poolt äärmuslikku vaesust. Kohati esinevad nad päris kõrvuti. Eriti teravaid kontraste näeb Lõuna-Eestis.

Pilte saab jagada Euroopa Parlamendi lehel Instagramis, kasutades märksõna #eye2018. Head pildistamist!

[CONTEST] #EYE2018 ➡ Registrations are closed, but you still have a chance to be part of the European Youth Event 2018 by participating in our Instagram photo competition. Six of you will be invited to Strasbourg, so book your agenda for the 1st and 2nd of June 2018 and start sharing your photos with us! . 📌 The rules are easy: choose at least one of the 5 topics of the EYE event and take a relevant photo. You can participate with more than one photo and in more than one category, but you need to share it using #eye2018 , the pertinent # and, of course, don’t forget to tag us! We will award one photo for each of the 5 categories and 1 overall winner 📷 chosen by you! During the contest, we will regram some of your best shots, and the one you liked the most will be awarded as well. So be ready to ❤ ❤ ❤! Last but not least… A selection of the best shots together with the winning photos will be exhibited during the EYE 2018 in the European Parliament in Strasbourg 👋🏼 . 📌 RULES: ✔ Use the hashtag #eye2018 + select your category by adding the relevant hashtag: 👑 #youngold 👑 #richpoor 👑 #aparttogether 👑 #safedangerous 👑 #localglobal ✔ Tag @europeanparliament & @ep_eye; ✔ You have to live in one of the EU countries, be at least 18 years old and have full copyrights of the photo you shared; ✔ The photos need to be posted before 22 April 2018, at midnight CET; ✔ Be ready to travel to Strasbourg between 01-02 June 2018. Get snapping and best of luck! 👏 . Thanks a lot to @stephaneguillot our testimonial for this category with this stunning 📷! . PS: if you want to know more about the EYE2018 check out the program at (link in the bio)

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